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November 2023 to date - Johannesburg

My focus has been on content creation and web development work for my own websites and those of my clients. 

October 2019 to October 2023 - Johannesburg

Community Support Services (CSS). Private Security Company.

Bookkeepert to Balance Sheet using Sage One. Full accounting function for the 3000+ clients, 5 divisions and 100+ staff.

May 2018 to September 2019 - Johannesburg

Website development and Social Media Marketing for various clients.

December 2015 to April 2018 - Broederstroom

Paddle Power River Rafting and Abseiling Adventure Company.

The oldest and biggest rafting and abseiling company in Broederstroom / Hartbeespoort area. Manager responsible for all admin, accounts, sales and marketing including creating a website and social media manager. Coordinated river trips, abseiling groups and corporate events. Managed the team of river guides. Hosted private, corporate and international clients.

January 2007 to November 2015 - Cape Town, Bathurst, Port Elizabeth, Durban

Living ADDventure ADHD Coaching and Training.  

Diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) at the age of 51 I embarked on the Living ADDVenture ADHD Coaching Course with Dave Pughe-Parry. I invested in Living ADDventure and became Dave's business partner and later his wife. 

My responsibilities included finance, administration, marketing (social media management, email marketing, print media), developing and maintaining the company website in Joomla and later a training site using Moodle.  

I organised and coordinated numerous ADHD talks, workshops at schools and other venues for Educators, Parents, Adults and Medical Professional around South Africa. Living ADDventure hosted two 3-stream conferences, with multiple speakers, and 350 delegates, in Kwa Zulu Natal. 

I edited Dave's first book, I am Audacious, Original and Innovative ... I have ADHD.

In 2009, Dave and I toured South Africa with a tent and trailer. We called it the Magnificent Living ADDventure. I created a small print magazine with the same name. Three issues were published before an accident with our car and trailer put an end to the adventure and the magazine.

April 2005 to December 2006 - Cape Town

Happy Snaps Tours

I qualified as a Western Cape Tourist Guide and purchased an 8 seater bus and took small tour groups on outings around the Western Cape.

January 2003 to March 2005 - Cape Town

Permanent Trust Property Management Company

I was employed as the Financial Manager with an accounts team of 8 clerks. We had more than 500 buildings under management including residential homes, Sectional Title residential and commercial complexes and commercial and industrial buildings. We used the MDA Software which was custom built for property management companies. To fulfil my role as Financial Manager I had to become a registered real estate agent.

 January 2002 to December 2002 - Johannesburg

This was a sabbatical year for me. It was the year I ended my 25 year marriage. 

I spent 4 months backpacking around Europe and the UK and subsequently moved to Cape Town to start afresh. 

January 2001 to December 2001 - Johannesburg

Nest Phuting Private Boarding School

My younger son was in his final year of high school and I was asked to Chair the Finance Portfolio on the school Governing Body. The school was in danger of closing due to financial irregularities which I had found when working through the audited accounts.

I took on the role of Bursar for the year managing the finances and assisting with the management and maintenance of the boarding houses, school buildings and the 300 acre property. 

The school remains open today.

 August 1989 to December 2000 - Johannesburg

 ProLoCon (Pty) Ltd - Industrial Automation, Sofware Development and Computer Training Company

My husband, Andrew, an electrical engineer, and I were the directors and shareholders of the company. Andrew managed the technical side of the business and my responsibilities included, finance, HR, marketing and admin. 

ProLoCon Computer Training Centre

When we started developing software for clients, I established a computer training centre to train clients on how to use computers and the software we developed for them.

We were an authorised Microsoft Training Centre using Computer Based Training (CBT) to teach basic Microsoft and Microsoft Office products.

In addition we were an authorised Pastel Accounting and Payroll Centre Training Centre. I focused on training small business owners to set up accounting and payroll systems.

 June1986 to July 1989 - Johannesburg

Civemech Project Management Services (Pty) Ltd (CPMS)

A subsidiary of Murray and Roberts Construction

Systems Administrator and Accounts Clerk

Apartheid was still in force in South Africa. CPMS, contracted by The South African Housing Trust, trained teams of black builders to construct low cost housing projects in various townships. Kyalethu Home Loans provided the finance and mortgages.

Due to my knowledge and interest in computers, I was sent on a computer training course to learn a specific Construction Management software package. I was tasked with setting up the software on the office computers.

May 1984 to April 1986 - Johannesburg

 Progressive Federal Party (now the Democratic Alliance)

 Office administrator for the Bryanston office - General administration

September 1980 to December 1983 - Johannesburg

Sandoz Dyes and Pharmaceutical - Textile Laboratory Technician

Colour matching of client fabric samples and producing the "recipes". 

May 1978 to June 1980 - Pietermaritzburg

Allerton State Veterinary Laboratory - Biochemistry Laboratory Technician

Tested feed samples and blood sample of farm animals.

January 1974 to April 1978 - Durban

Natal Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS)

Trained and qualified as a Medical Technologist specialising in Blood Matching and Haematology.

If you would like further information please send me a message



My Medical Companion