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Pat swimmingThis is the 9th article in My Weight loss Journey. You can read the first one here.

Monday 30 December 2024.

Yesterday was the first time since 2018, that I have managed to get my swimming costume above my knees.

My favourite exercise is swimming and for the next couple of weeks we are house sitting in Greenside, Johannesburg in a home with a lovely big pool. I am in heaven.

I don’t usually like my photo being taken, and definitely not when I am wearing a swimming costume. But this is a momentous time in my life and I am proud of myself.

I asked Dave to take some pictures of me in my costume. When I saw them I have to admit the ones that showed my very wrinkled legs shocked me.

I have never been fond of mirrors so I had not really seen what my legs looked like. My flappy arms are harder to hide. I hate this aspect of getting old and regret allowing myself to get so overweight.

(Dave proof read this post and he disagrees that my legs are very wrinkly and I should not be so hard on myself. We have agreed to disagree.)

Having never dieted before, I have managed to lose 17 kgs in 8 months and I am still determined to continue the journey to improve my health.

My mantra is “I am not going back”.

Smaller portions especially in the evenings, keep the heartburn, the stomach pains, and the sinus problems at bay. It is a potent reminder that my body doesn’t like what I am feeding it.

Amazingly Christmas has not been as difficult as I thought it might be. I haven’t lost more weight over the festive season but I haven’t gained either. I have enjoyed Christmas cake, trifle and chocolates but far fewer than I would have in the past.

Being a compulsive eater and driven by my emotions, I have reduced my stress significantly. I have learned to let go of a lot of my anger by realizing that I can only control what I do and say, which is a huge step forward for me.

My second mantra is “not my circus, not my monkey”.

Having been a people pleaser for much of my life, I am finding it so empowering to be able to say No. No to well meaning people trying to force feed me what I don’t want to eat or drink and No to those who have got used to me jumping in to fight their battles or do their bidding.

I am learning to stand up straighter and accept compliments more gracefully. Aleks

Clothes shopping has always been a nightmare for me. Actually, I hate all shopping. My lovely daughter-in-law Aleks, took me clothes shopping as my Christmas present from her and my son Kevin. Aleks loves shopping!!

I stayed in the changing room and she brought a constant stream of clothes to try on. I have never tried on (or received) so many clothes in one shopping expedition. It was a wonderful morning and I felt so spoilt.

Now, I have to get used to the idea that I can wear new outfits even if I am not going anywhere special. Old habits die hard.

In a previous post, I talked about not setting a goal weight. Seeing it is the end of 2024 and I can change my mind if I want to, I am going to aim to reach 70 kgs by December 2025.

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