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Pat in her early 20sThis is the seventh article of my Weight Loss Journey. You can read the previous posts by clicking here.

I am now 79kg, 16kg lighter than I was in April 2024. People ask me about my goal weight and to be honest I haven't set a goal. I don’t like the pressure. I have to remind myself that avoiding full blown diabetes, and becoming stronger and fitter are my primary goals.

In my early twenties and pre-babies, my weight was around 60 kg and I always felt a little plumper than I wanted to be. Though looking at this picture, I was probably average.

Is it realistic for me to lose another 20kg? I find it hard to imagine what I will look like.

The problem of losing a lot of weight especially when you are older is the loose skin. It is bad enough having wrinkles but looking like an un-ironed corpse does not appeal to me at all.

I am therefore taking it day by day. I am a little less rigid about my diet and I do sometimes eat a slice of cake and I have even baked muffins a couple of times.

Although Dave is not following my eating plan as rigorously as me, he has also cut his sugar intake because we no longer by the rusks, biscuits, chocolates and sweets. He has also managed to cut out the sugar in his tea and coffee, which has been a big step for him.

With the financial savings due to not buying the junk food, we now buy better quality healthy food which unfortunately is not cheap. We also enjoy meat, although we eat less than we used to. I sadly can no longer eat rich and fatty meat and dairy products, especially in the evenings. We have traditionally eaten our main meal in the evening because we both work. We now try and eat earlier, and have smaller portions to let our stomachs settle before going to sleep. 

I occasionally skip dinner completely and I sleep much better than when I have had a big meal.

I weigh myself a maximum of twice a week, and if the scale has moved in the wrong direction, I give myself a talking to and go back to basics.

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