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CakeThis is the third article of my Weight Loss Journey. You can read the previous posts by clicking here.


I am not a nutritionist or any type of health expert. I am not offering you any form of weight loss or exercise advice.

If I was a health expert, I would not be so fat!

At the age of 69, I know my body, and my diet failings far too well. Having spent the past 18 years working on all aspects of my life, I understand what my triggers are and what I SHOULD be eating and how much I SHOULD be exercising and how STRESS is a killer.

Since my diagnosis of ADHD at the age of 51, I have been a constant work in progress. I mention the ADHD because it has had a significant impact on all aspects of my life, including my diet. ADHD is a very complex condition

My life before 17 April 2024

Early morning

Coffee with a Cape Cookie Black Forest Rusk . They are simply the best rusks (actually they are more like cake) that I have ever eaten.


Breakfast was (and still is) the most important meal of my day with protein as a key component. Eggs in any form + bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms … with 2 pieces of toast, one with the eggs and one with marmalade to accompany my cup of filtered coffee.

Once or twice a week if I was too busy to cook it would be muesli with fruit and plain double cream yoghurt.

Mid morning and mid afternoon

Coffee or tea with a biscuit or 2 or 3. I haven’t used sugar in tea or coffee for years so one Brownie point to me.


Whatever was in the fridge. A roll with cold meat and cheese and of course a little bit of chocolate to finish.


If Dave or I felt like cooking, it would be meat, starch and perhaps veggies, with ice-cream to finish. Mr D or Uber Eats would deliver some junk food.

Before Sleeping

A couple of squares of chocolate.


Ummm! Well maybe a short walk around our village once a day? Does that count? Swimming is my favourite exercise but we don't have a pool and anyway I won't be seen dead in my costume ... if I could even get it on. I do also lack discipline to exercise regularly.


This has been a biggie for me. I have always been a workaholic and my job required sitting in front of my computer for hours on end. Relentless deadlines kept my stress levels sky high.

In my next post, I will tell you what I changed which led me to losing 10kg in 3 months.

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